Monday, December 20, 2010

J-Twice calls this my OCD List....

We all have our little things we do that make us, US! So, I thought it would be fun to make a post about random things I do. J-Twice would prefer to say I'm OCD but it's just the way I like things!

* Every night before going to bed, I fluff the pillows and blankets on the couch.
* I hate the remotes laying around, they belong in the basket.
* First thing I do after getting out of bed is make the bed.
* I prefer to fold laundry right out of the dryer when it is nice and hot.  If it sits in the dryer for a long time, I have to re-fluff them.
* I hate the shower curtain not being pulled closed.(you know, after you're done w your shower and all..)
* J-Twice likes to tell me that putting away groceries is NOT a game of Tetris...I guess I am obsessed with getting everything to fit just right, and evenly.
* I clean out the car every time we arrive at the house ( this isn't so much an issue right now since we don't have a car with us here).
* My friends think my house is always clean, it's more like it's just always picked up. I hate things to lay around...everything has it's place.
* I know when things are not in their place. (and know right away if something has been moved)
* If our bank account gets below a certain amount (which isn't a small amount, at all) I get in the mindset we don't have money to waste.
* But at the same time, I don't let saving money stop us from doing other things in life, like traveling. (with these opportunities we have here, we'd be stupid to not take them!)
* In the shower: I wash my face, shampoo and condition my hair, shave and wash my that order, every time.
* I hate dishes in the sink...that's what a dishwasher is for.
* I love to vacuum the carpet (which we don't have here) and get the perfect lines and then hate walking on it later!

I'm sure there are many more things to post, but I think I have listed enough! ha ha ...some of us are just born crazy. I can't help it! :)


  1. It's amazing how many if those things we have in common! You'd think we're related or something:)

  2. this is Brittany and i dont know how to post a comment so i put anonymous....haha anywho i was about to say the same thing....i just told aunt Shell how much i love to vacuum this house but hate when everyone walks all over the carpet and mess up my lines!!!

  3. I would like to say you got that from the Schaffran side of the family but fat chance on that!!! And, Aunt Mary must be living in a fantasy world...LOL It must have started with your daddy forcing you to make your bed in the morning....but what happened to your siblings????

  4. Some things stick with some people better than others, I guess! haha
