Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cirque Dreams

Our base sure is stepping it up with the entertainment they are providing this year. Last month we had Daughtry, last night we had 'Cirque Dreams' and in March the band Seether is coming. It sure will be interesting to see what they come up with for the rest of the year as well!

I have been to a few "wanna be" Cirque Du Soleil shows.  I say "wanna be" because they arent as exquisite as the actual CDS shows. Even with that, these shows are amazing!!! It's still hard to believe that one can do such things with their bodies. HOW in the world do you figure out you can do such a thing?!!! It's amazing!!!! This is a "preview" of what we saw last night, just on a much smaller scale.

We were told ahead of time we couldn't take our cameras, but then found out once we were there we just couldn't use the flash. Therefore, I have no pictures of our experience. Oh well! It was nice to have the entertainment.
Now I'm off to practice and see how many different ways I can bend my body and look as abnormal as possible!

Thank you to Cirque Dreams for providing our Troops this entertainment!

A Blog Hiatus

It really has been almost two months since I have blogged? Oh boy. Sorry folks! I wish I could say we've been so busy doing so many awesome things and that is the reason for the hiatus, but I'd be lying. I had to go back and see what my last entry was even about, it's been that long! I was then reminded that I was supposed to post these two pics:

Okay, so let's see what has been going on. OH! We actually got to go home for Christmas this year!!!  YAY!!! My momma's one Christmas wish was to have us home and as much as I tried to surprise her, it didn't happen. I still think it would have been fun to do the whole Folger's coffee commercial (even if she doesn't drink coffee) but maybe another year.

It was a very quick,short two-week visit home. Since I was home ALL summer, I didn't think it was necessary to be home for long in the winter. But at the end of our trip, I was thinking another week sounded nice. Go figure,right? In the end, we had a FABULOUS Christmas and mom and dad spoiled us like always!

 Before we headed home, we had a little gathering here at the house with some friends and us girls decorated Christmas cookies. The boys were Scrooge's and didn't want to take part. We had fun anyways. We didn't attend the Squadron's Holiday party this year, so nothing to blog about there. (I have a husband who apparently doesn't like to attend events like this.) Rather, we had another get together at a friend's house; That was pretty much our Christmas celebration here in Turkey.

Since we were also home for New Years, J-Twice was determined to find a place to party, like only he can. Why would anyone want to party like it's 1999 at a friend's place instead of being with a bunch of ignorant drunks at a bar downtown!? Ha. Just Kidding. It wasn't that bad (the whole night,anyways). J's friend, Ben, and his girlfriend went along with us and we had a good night. We danced, they drank and got silly, caught a kiss at midnight and waited an hour for a taxi to get home.

The rest of our time home was spent enjoying the family and just hanging out.  We only got to see a dusting of snow while home, which was perfectly okay with me! J-Twice was hoping for more, but I was okay with what we saw. On our flight back to Turkey, we spent our last evening in Baltimore and when waiting for the shuttle bus at the airport, it was rather windy and he said "man, I forgot what cold was like!". Yeah, I'd prefer to keep it that way!  So, to God and the powers that be in the AF deciding our next location, keep that in mind! :)

Okay, enough for now. I will try to do a better job with keeping  up with this blog for our remaining 6 months here in Turkey! Be on the lookout to see where we are off to next!