Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood

This past weekend, we have had absolutely gorgeous weather! It has been rather nice, considering on Wednesday it was cold enough for us to have snow flurries. Have I mentioned that here in Adana, we DON'T get snow?!!! This snow was not witnessed with my own eyes, but I have been told from many different sources that it is truth. I do not recall it being this cold last winter, it definitely rained a lot more but not this cold.  I'd almost rather have the cold than the rain, because the sun is usually shining! (and we all know how much I love the sun)

Anyhow, since the weather has been so amazing, I tried to be outside as much as possible! Yesterday, J-Twice and his friend headed to the "driving range" to test out his new golf clubs he got for Christmas. From what I hear, they were defective. hmmm...your guess as to whether it was the golfer or the golf clubs. ha Here he is practicing in our front yard:

While they were at the driving range, a friend of mine, her son and I headed to a couple of different playgrounds (we have multiple ones around the housing areas).  It felt amazing to just sit in the sun and soak it up.  I didn't want daylight to end!

It was decided since it was going to be so nice again today, we should have a BBQ at one of the parks on base.  We gathered a few friends, fired up the grill, got the corn-hole out and had a fabulous day enjoying the outdoors. It felt so nice to just be outside all day, enjoying each others company and having a great time.

These last few days have made me totally ready for Spring/Summer to arrive!  And this will be our last Spring/Summer in Turkey..time sure is flying by!

I'll leave you with a photo of J-Twice in his new, custom- made suit. Doesn't he look handsome?!


  1. I am going with the problem being the golfer...not the clubs : ) Glad you took advantage of the nice weather. Love ya.

  2. I would have to agree with you! Love ya!
