Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August is almost over?!!

Really, where the heck did August go?!!!! Was it not just 29 April like umm..yesterday? Have I really been in the States for 4 months already? Wowzers! It's definitely time to go back to Turkey!! And I am heading there soon! Just a few more weeks and I get to go back to my husband, home and friends whom I've missed SO much! J-Twice tells me the kitchen and laundry room miss me as well....or it could just be his way of saying HE actually misses me being around. ha. But I also just remembered....I will FINALLY get to see my new dining room table and chairs..and the million and a half rugs J-Twice purchased when I first left! Everything is going to be like brand new to me again! Can't wait!  Since I've been gone all summer, there have been lots of people leaving and joining Turkey..so sounds like I will be meeting lots of new faces once I get back also. Nothing like making more friends!

Shawna's wedding (the reason I am still in the States!) is just a mere 2 weeks away from Saturday!!!!  I can't believe my best friend is finally getting married!! SO excited for her, she deserves the BEST! A couple weeks ago, a few of us girls took a trip to celebrate her Bachlorette party in Nashville...it was a blast!

We started the day off with lunch, mani/pedi's, shopping, a couple of the girls got tattoos ( I couldn't decide what I wanted), and then dinner at a Sushi restaurant..YES...I tried Sushi..and I admit, actually kind of liked it. That was either because it was actually good or because I wouldn't allow myself to swallow until it was all able to be swallowed (tasting as little as possible). ha ha And then had a night out on the town. It was fun! I didn't take my phone or camera so I have no proof of me trying the Sushi, just take my word! :)

I got to spend quite a few days with the kiddos I used to nanny for. They are a blast, never a dull moment with them. Made me miss them even more, I hate how grown they are now and I'm missing out! The boys are both playing football and the girls are both cheering. They are the cutest kids ever. I forgot how much you are ready for school to start at the end of the summer! Their mother and I just kept giving each other the look of "OMG! Seriously!?" But it was so much fun and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Next week, my family (minus my brother and husband) is heading to the beach. I'll be back in Ohio for a couple days and then heading to KY to celebrate Shawna and Will's wedding. Three days after that, I start my journey back to Turkey! This summer has surely flown by, and I've enjoyed just about every minute of it! No, really...I've enjoyed every minute of it! I couldn't ask for a better family to take care of me while I've been home all this time.  Being here for so long will probably make it hard to leave again, but knowing I will be home soon after (just not for a long, extended period of time) will make it just a little bit easier. And knowing that my family plans to come visit Turkey next year will definitely give us something to look forward to.

Until next time!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

July Memories

The month of July absolutely FLEW by for me. Mostly because J-Twice was finally able to come home, Stateside, for a visit. Still wishing he was here because I am missing the heck out of him! It had been 11 months since he had been in the States and he would get rather jealous of the things I was doing, places I was eating while he was "stuck" in Turkey. The night of 29 June was one of the best nights of my life...I was beyond ecstatic to see him...when he walked out of the terminal and just to see his smiling face..lit up my world! The following days were about to be amazing.

Our first day together after 9 weeks apart
We ate at every restaurant we've been talking about missing for the last 10 months, we shopped our hearts out, took road trips together, laughed together, loved each other and just enjoyed each others company.  I sure missed the heck out of him while we were apart.

J-Twice's buddy, Ben, lives in Seattle and came for a visit while he was home. Those two together are something else...let me tell you!! Ben was in town for 2 weeks, and they spent just about every day together and caused trouble while they were together! :) Even if they try to tell you otherwise.

Our new friend,Ian, Ben and J-Twice
In Columbus we have Red, White and BOOM! for the 4th of July and it's a huge deal. Thousands of people gather downtown and watch fireworks. I haven't been in YEARS but James was insistent upon going this year so we went. It was crowded and overpriced, but had a good time anyways.

After spending a few days in Columbus, we headed East to our old stomping grounds, DC.  I never, in a million years, would have thought I would have missed that place but boy do I ever! Most of all, I miss the fabulous friends we made there.
We arrived on the 4th of July, so we watched fireworks from the water front on base and then headed out to Adam's Morgan to reminisce about the good times.
 I sure do miss the heck out of this beautiful lady. She was my rock while J-Twice was deployed.  We may not talk often, but when we do, its like no time has passed at all. I only wish I could be there for her the way she was for me when her hubby deploys here in a couple weeks.

The following morning we drove to Ocean City so J-Twice could get his toes in the sand and jump around in the waves. (Such a kid, I tell ya!) We only stayed one night since we were on such a tight schedule but we enjoyed it anyhow.
All he ever talks about when we mention Ocean City is Thrasher's Fries...so that was a MUST before we left...even if it meant he had to have it for breakfast. And he enjoyed every bit of it...that is...until i put WAY too much vinegar on it (so HE says!) haha

Another FABULOUS person we have in DC is J-Twice's cousin, Tina. She is a rockstar!!!! Fabulous, I tell ya!
It was SO nice to have some kind of family while living in DC. We always had such a great time together and she cooks Puerto Rican food amazingly!!!!!!! Needless to say, we crashed her house while staying in DC and J-Twice was LOVING the home cooked PR food. lol Another good thing Tina is good for..the night life! This chick loves to go out and knows EVERYONE!! We had another fabulous night out in Adams Morgan and had a wonderful time spent together. Even Ben! When he wasn't put in time out for saying something ridiculous! :)

This was just the first week J was home! Oy Vey! Back in Columbus...we went to "wing night" so we could finally get some good wings. Needless to say...the wings served at "wing night" on base in Turkey are by far..the most nasty things ever!!! J hung out with his buddies and/or my brother, nightly. We don't need to mention what that included! :) LOVE YOUUUU!!! We hung out with his mom a few times, and one of his brothers. I don't have a lot of pictures of the rest of his time home but I do know that he had a great time visiting. I only wish he was able to stay as long as I am. Or that I choose to go back home with him. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed my time home, and spending all this time with my family has been fabulous..but I'm ready to get back to my regularly scheduled life now!
Here's to counting down the next 6 weeks and enjoying the rest of the memories that are to be made.


To my lovely, handsome, amazing (okay,okay..I'll get to the point) HUSBAND!!! He is now, Staff Sergeant Select Jorge!!! I am so unbelievably proud of you, babe. You took the next step to further yourself in your career and for our family.
He is currently completing Airman Leadership School (ALS) and once he is completed with that, he will officially be SSgt Jorge. Stay tuned for a post on his promotion ceremony in the coming months!
Love you, babe!

1 Year Later

I have so much to write about, I don't even know where to begin! There has been a lot going on while I've been back in the States, but I want to take this opportunity to reminisce about our last year in Turkey. Yesterday (4 Aug) was our 1 Year Anniversary of living in Turkey. Typically, one wouldn't even notice if it was a one year anniversary..but when you KNOW you're only living in a certain place for a certain amount of time...it makes it easier to have a count down- per say.
Our first week of living in Turkey
 Looking back on my blog entries over the year, we've been through and done a lot. There have been down times but mostly we have had the time of our lives while being overseas. So much so, that I just can't decide if I want to stay overseas, or come back Stateside. Not that I exactly have the choice, I will follow my husband to wherever we are told to go. But we have LOVED our time in Turkey. Being in the States for so long (now wishing I wouldn't have made that choice, but cant change it now) has made me miss Turkey even more. And I'm going back in a couple weeks....what happens when I long for Turkey and we don't live there anymore?! We are both looking forward to taking full advantage of our last 12 (well...10.5 by time I get back) months.  We still have so much traveling we would love to do and are looking forward to every bit of it!

Our first adventure off base, Castle by the Sea
Ephesus, Turkey
Along with traveling to great places, we have made fabulous friends! I could not have asked for better people to become life long friends. There is no way we could ever forget about these people! We have had so much fun together and they are actually part of what is making me miss Turkey so much right now.  We have traveled together, had game nights together, helped each other unpack our houses, been there for each other when all we wanted was our family, became a "family", and even for some watched them "grow" a family. It is unbelievable the types of people God placed into our lives. And I thank Him everyday for them. 
Our Thanksgiving "Family"
Our Christmas Family

Since I have been in the States, L, has delivered her baby girl and K, will be delivering her baby girl shortly after I return mid September. I just love having friends' babies to spoil...because I can quickly return the child back to their parents when finished! :) But oh am I SO looking forward to going back and snuggling those precious babies!
This is just a quick look back on the last year...I know I am missing out on SO much but my mind is racing in a million different directions right now, so this is what you get. :)
Until then, Turkey, I will be missing you, your extreme heat conditions, your beautiful palm trees and rose bushes, your delicious markets,and your beautiful site seeing. Counting down until I get to return...